Airbnb & Vacation Rentals Property Management

Vacation Rentals Property Management (Notion template)
vacation rentals properties management

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Manage vacation and short-term rentals in one place with this Notion template

Easily manage vacation rentals, Airbnb rentals, and short-term rentals


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The Vacation Rentals Property Management Notion template makes managing your vacation rental properties easier than ever. It streamlines your workflow and optimizes your operations, from property listings to guest management, inventory tracking to financials.


The Dashboard page provides a complete overview of data from multiple databases. As well as relevant data for day-to-day management.




Keep track of all your properties in one place. 

properties gallery view
Easily organize and access essential details such as:

  • Full Address
  • Property Photos
  • Pricing Details including Price per Night, Cleaning Fees, and Additional Charges
  • Capacity persons and pets
  • Room and Bathroom Counts
  • Amenities like Wifi, Kitchen, Living Room, Balcony/Patio, and Parking
  • Current Availability and Upcoming Bookings

From the Property page, you can view and manage all the information and records related to the property. From its characteristics to its bookings, income, expenses, tasks, service requests, and inventory.

property details



Effortlessly manage your guests and bookings.

  • Guest Information such as Name, Phone Number, Email, and Country
  • Document Attachments for seamless communication
  • Current and Upcoming Bookings at a glance

Stay on top of your inventory levels with this intuitive inventory management system.


Key features include:

  • Stock Alerts to ensure you never run out of essential items
  • Item Details including Name, Quantity, Value, and Category
  • Association with Specific Properties for easy tracking
  • Real-time updates on stock levels and value calculations



Streamline your booking process and monitor reservation statuses with ease.


Timeline view:

Features include:

  • Customizable Booking Status options
  • Detailed Booking Information such as Check-in/Check-out Dates, Duration, and Estimated Total Price
  • Automated calculations for income and expenses associated with each booking


Displays warnings, if any, about the capacity of the property and pets, and about overlapping reservations with others for the same property.

booking warnings

Efficiently track your income and expenses to keep your finances in order. Features include:

  • Income Records with Name, Date, Amount, and Payment Details
  • Expense Tracking with Name, Date, Amount, and Category
  • Attachment options for receipts and invoices
income and expenses



Maintain a database of your vendors and suppliers for seamless communication and collaboration. Features include:

  • Contact Information including Email, Phone Number, and Website
  • Tags for easy categorization and filtering
  • Additional Notes for personalized details

Handle any service requests related to your properties effortlessly.

service requests
Features include:

  • Issue Tracking with Status, Priority, and Type
  • Scheduled Service Start and Completion Dates
  • Expense Tracking for related services
  • Property and Tenant Association for accurate tracking



Stay organized and on top of your tasks with our task management system.

Features include:

  • Task Status Updates for real-time progress tracking
  • Priority Levels for effective task prioritization
  • Due Dates to ensure timely completion

This Notion template offers a comprehensive solution to streamline your vacation rental property management operations. 

The template is highly customizable and can be tailored to your specific needs. You are free to modify this template, i.e. add additional fields, customize workflows and views according to your preferences, and make any other specific changes to comply with your country's regulations. It gives you a solid foundation on which to build and optimize your own rental management system!

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For Whom

This Notion template is designed for:

  • Property Managers: Whether you manage a single property or a portfolio of vacation rentals, our template helps you stay organized and efficient in handling all aspects of property management.
  • Vacation Rental Owners: If you own vacation rental properties and handle the management tasks yourself, our template simplifies the process, allowing you to focus on providing exceptional guest experiences.
  • Hospitality Professionals: For hospitality professionals such as hotel managers, resort managers, bed and breakfast owners looking to streamline their operations and improve guest satisfaction, our template provides a comprehensive solution tailored to your needs.
  • Property Investors: If you're an investor venturing into vacation rentals, our template provides the tools you need to effectively manage your properties and maximize returns on your investment.

No matter your role or experience level, this Notion template is your ultimate companion for successful vacation rental property management. Get it out today and elevate your property management game!

Databases included

  • Properties
  • Guests
  • Bookings
  • Inventory
  • Income
  • Expenses
  • Service Requests
  • Vendors / Suppliers
  • Tasks
  • Summary


Notion template.

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